As a man over 6ft 2" I have larger than average feet and they are also wider than the average person. If you are like me and you can't wear regular shoes without feeling like they are cutting into your feet then you probably need to look into shoes that are made specifically for wide feet.
Having shoes that are restrictive and not fitting well are damaging to the health of your feet as well as looking bad. With all the choices available in wider sizes there is absolutely no excuse for wearing shoes that are uncomfortable or improperly fitted. You can find shoes in wide sizes in athletic shoes, casual shoes and dress shoes so don't settle for just buying any old pair of shoes.
Find Size Shoes
Nearly any large department store with have an extensive selection of wider shoes so that is one option open to anyone. When you are trying on shoes made for wide feet the box will have a designator such as a "W" indicating that it is a wider size shoe or maybe some other letters that indicate different widths such as those found on dress shoes.
One place that I go to a lot is a local Big and Tall store. Since I am well over 6 feet tall and over 260 lbs I have a tough time finding clothes to fit properly as well. Thirty plus years of weightlifting and bodybuilding have caused me to have difficulty finding clothes off the rack. My local store has a shoe department that has wide and larger shoes.
As a professional internet marketer I buy a lot of items online because I am constantly on the internet anyway while I am working. I always tell people that the internet is a good choice for finding just about anything that one could want. You will probably find a better selection of wide shoes online than any place you could find in your local area. The big concern most people have is that they can't try on the shoes to see if they fit properly but the more reputable stores give free delivery and free returns as well so that is a non issue. To avoid even having to deal with returning the shoes all you have to do is just make sure that you know the exact size you need before you order and don't wear the shoes out where they can be damaged in case you do have to return them. No one is going to accept shoes back in their inventory with scratched soles.
If you have extremely wide feet or some kind of structural deformity in your toes you may need to go to a medical specialist who is an expert in dealing with this type of problem. This is usually a rare situation, but nonetheless a problem some people have. For the majority of people the internet will give you the best selection you can find anywhere.
How To Find The Proper Shoes If You Have Overly Wide Feet
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about footwear as well as wide shoes at